Counter of Festivals

Ashok Blog for SQL Learners and Beginners and Experts

Saturday 18 February 2017

How to set Secondary File NDF file growth and restrict file size growth in MDF file in SQL Server

New File growth effect Primary MDF and Secondary NDF Added in SQL Server

s p_h e l p db db info

initially it was only 6 MB

Added some sample records to table on test db growth table

after added records you can see growth only on M D F file only

Now we added secondary file 

even if you decide to u n select on enable auto growth option on properties of db

it will give effect on auto growth as none

now we check s p_help db

now we insert sample data

it will give error as we disabled auto growth it will not allow data to insert as show error

we disabled auto growth so it will not allow data to insert see the error

So we should need to enable Auto growth on M D F then we are going to set auto growth option on
N D F then it will work as see below

s p_h e l p db of M D F and L D F info as see below

now we are going to alter database to new location as see below

take database offline then move the M D F file to new location as see below

Now move the database log file to new location as see below

after bring online database shows as new location F drive as see below

Now we insert some sample data as see below

Now we new insert data take effect on M D F  only but cant insert data on LDF see below


We should need to limit DB Growth in M D F file as see below

now we see help db info

we should need to change it secondary on clustered index /index on table otherwise table should increase on primary only

after change we insert 10000 Thousand records to table as see below

you can see NDF now growing but MDF is not growing itself

Tuesday 14 February 2017

How to MOVE database MDF and LDF file to New Drive location path step by step in SQL Server

Step 1

take data file path use sp_help db and save it to notepad and take screen shot and paste it to paint


method 1

sp_helpdb 'databasename'

method 2

SELECT name, physical_name AS Current_Location
   FROM sys.master_files
          WHERE database_id = DB_ID(N'Testdbgrowth');


Step 2

Change file path through ALTER DATABASE MODIFY FILE query

USE master;
MODIFY FILE (NAME = dbMDFlogicalname, FILENAME = 'E:\new_location\Datafile name.mdf');
MODIFY FILE (NAME = dbLDFlogicalname, FILENAME = 'E:\new_location\Logfilename.ldf');


Step 3:

verify any users or active connections still using the database or not using s p_who 2 query if any connection exists change single user and multi user mode immediately  to close connections as see 


USE master;

-- Put database into single user mode closing open connections

-- Put it back into multi user mode


Step 4:

take offline for DB

Step 5:

copy physical file from source location to new location (don't rename if you should rename need to give same in alter query)

Step 6:

bring database online

Step 7:

verify s p_ h e l p d b command to new path available on M D F and L D F 


Step 1:

we can see using 

s p _help db 'database name' to take the data file path 

or we can use  s y s.master_files to get database files info

or we can s p_help file to get this m d f and l d f info (note it will be work when we point db see below)

you can see the M D F available location see below

you can see the L D F available location see below

Kindly take it to notepad for future reference  or take it screenshot and save it on paint u r wish

Step 2

now we need to prepare query to take effect of new path location as see below

USE master;
MODIFY FILE (NAME = Testdbgrowth, FILENAME = 'D:\SQL\Data file\Testdbgrowth.mdf');
MODIFY FILE (NAME = Testdbgrowth_log, FILENAME = 'D:\SQL\Log\Testdbgrowth_log.ldf');


now we need to execute to take effect

it clearly says it will effect when next db went online/offline

Step 3:

now we need check whether any db is any connection using or not to take db offline without any issue

Step 4

now we are going to take db offline

now it shows db offline status

Step 5:

now the time to move M D F  cut and past it to new path location

now the time to move L D F  cut and past it to new path location

Step 6:

now time to bring database online

after success message kindly refresh on server as see below

you can see Test db Growth db comes online as see below

Step 7:

also kindly verify the M D F and L D F path comes to new location as see below


1)If you rename  M D F or L D F but not give correct name in alter query 

2) if you alter query with new path location but not move M D F and L D F then you will get below error

if we any data file or log file not place correctly we could see following error

path not available to come online 

still show db in recovery pending cant come online due to path not available

you can see take online is disabled you should only take to offline mode only 


if db was in recovery pending then check the data file path m d f and l d f available  then 

once again alter query with correct path and bring db offline and bring online

that is it keep blogging and reading ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Local admin access users can not access S S M S (SQL Server Management Studio)

Local admin access users can not access S S M S (SQL Server Management Studio)

 when a user is having local admin access he can’t able to log in to S S M S (SQL Server Management Studio). It will give log in error

If user needs to get access to S S M S (SQL Server Management Studio) he should need to get sysadmin access or part of built in administrator group or any sysadmin group of AD

Here you can test user 

He is part of Administrator Group as see below

But when he tried to log into SQL Management Studio he will get error as see below

Keep Blogging !!!!!!!!!!